MOD racers aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty – The goal in this category is to pull every last bit of horsepower out of your engine. In Modified Outboard, the engine builder’s skill is just as important as the driver’s. These boats are easily recognizable by their specially tuned pipes that make them as loud as they are fast. Because engines are constantly being modified to make the absolute most of what the rules allow, the competition is always fierce. Join the ranks of some of the best engine builders in the world, join Modified Outboard Racing.

Whether hydroplane or runabout, Modified classes are defined by the size of their engines (displacement). The numbers in the class names give you the approximate engine size in cubic centimeters. The 250ccMH, or 250 cubic centimeter Mod Hydro, is smaller than the 850ccMH, or 850 cubic centimeter Mod Hydro. Some classes have minimum weights, which increase with engine size. The smaller classes are often a good fit for younger, lighter drivers (14-year-olds may drive 200-250cc Mod classes, for example). The larger classes take considerable skill and experience. Propellers of four blades or less are used, and your prop choice can affect your speed enormously.

MOD Classes

200cc Modified Hydro (200ccMH), Also known as Formula A Hydro (FAH)

200CC Modified Hydroplane Specifications

Minimum Length: 
Minimum Weight:345 lbs.
Engine:OMC, 13.2 Cubic Inches Maximum Displacement
Approximate Speed:55-60mph

200cc Modified Runabout (200ccMR), Also Known as Formula A, or FAR

200CC Modified Runabout Specifications

Minimum Length: 
Minimum Weight:350 lbs.
Engine:OMC, 2 cylinider, 13.2 Cubic Inches Maximum Displacement
Approximate Speed:55-60mph

250cc Modified Hydro (250ccMH), Also known a “A Mod” & AMH

250CC Modified Hydroplane Specifications

Minimum Length: 
Minimum Weight:365 lbs.
Engine:Swanson/Champion or American Hot Rod,
Approximate Speed:60-65mph

250cc Modified Runabout (250ccMR), Also known as “A Mod” or AMR

250CC Modified Runabout Specifications

Minimum Length: 
Minimum Weight: 
Engine:Swanson/Champion or American Hot Rod, “A” Mercury KG4H and Mark 15, or “converted” Mark20H
Approximate Speed:60-65mph

350cc Modified Hydro (350ccMH), also known as “B Mod” and BMH

350CC Modified Hydroplane Specifications

Minimum Length: 
Minimum Weight:350-420 lbs.
Engine:Swanson Champion or American Hot Rod “B”, Yamato 80, Mercury MK20H, MK20, KG7
Approximate Speed:65-70mph

350cc Modified Runabout (350ccMR), Also known as “B Mod” or BMR

350CC Modified Runabout Specifications

Minimum Length: 
Minimum Weight: 
Engine:25XS Mercury – 20 cubic inches maximum engine displacement
Approximate Speed:55-60mph

400cc Modified Hydro (400ccMH), Also known as “25 Mod” & 25MH

400CC Modified Hydroplane Specifications

Minimum Length: 
Minimum Weight:350 lbs.
Engine:Mercury 25 SS or Mercury 22.0 Powerhead 1970 to date. OMC Powerhead 1970 to date
Approximate Speed:65-70mph

500cc Modified Hydro (500ccMH), also known as “C Mod” and CMH Engine Displacement: 15 cubic inches up to 20 cubic inches max

500CC Modified Hydroplane Specifications

Minimum Length: 
Minimum Weight:440 lbs.
Engine:Mark 30-H, Mark 30, Yamato 102, Wizard WA25 and Yamato 302F
Approximate Speed:70-75mph

500cc Modified Runabout (500ccMR), also known as “C Mod” and CMR Engine Displacement: 20 cubic inches up to 30 cubic inches max

500CC Modified Runabout Specifications

Minimum Length: 
Minimum Weight: 
Engine:Mark 30-H, Mark 30, Yamato 102, Wizard WA25 and Yamato 302F
Approximate Speed:70-75mph

750cc Modified Hydroplane (750ccMH), also known as “D Mod” & DMH

750CC Modified Hydroplane Specifications

Minimum Length: 
Minimum Weight:425-470 lbs.
Engine:30 c.i. up to and including 44 c.i. displacment, Mercury MK55H, and all 40 c.i. Mercury powerheads, all Mercury 44 c.i. 4 cylinder powerheads.
Approximate Speed:70-75mph

750cc Modified Runabout (750ccMR), Also known as “D Mod” and DMR

750CC Modified Runabout Specifications

Minimum Length: 
Minimum Weight:425-470 lbs.
Engine:Engine displacement of 30 c.i up to and including 44 c.i., Mercury MK55H, and all 40 c.i. Mercury powerheads, all Mercury 44 c.i. 4 cylinder
Approximate Speed:70-75mph

850cc Modified Hydro (850ccMH), Also known as Formula E, or FEH

850CC Modified Hydroplane Specifications

Minimum Length: 
Minimum Weight: 
Engine:40 cubic inches up to 49 c.i. manufactured as a service engine and associated carburetors. Exceptions are the Mercury MK75 6 cylinder, Mercury 650 xs, and Mercury 4 cylinder 62 c.i. 60 and 62 cubic inch 4 cylinder 650s are allowed.
Approximate Speed:90-100mph

850cc Modified Runabout (850ccMR), also known as “Formula E” or FER are the biggest, most powerful Modified Runabout class. Look for heart-stopping noise and amazing speed when the 850 Runabouts hit the water.

850CC Modified Runabout Specifications

Minimum Length: 
Minimum Weight: 
Engine:40 cubic inches up to 49 c.i. manufactured as a service engine and associated carburetors. Exceptions are the Mercury MK75 6 cylinder, Mercury 650 xs, and Mercury 4 cylinder 62 c.i. 60 and 62 cubic inch 4 cylinder 650’s are allowed.
Approximate Speed:90-100mph