Known as ThunderCat Racing around the world, Superlight Tunnel Boat races are unlike any other race event in the APBA. These catamaran-style inflatable boats can race in rough waters that other categories could never dream of participating in. Want to see some air time and crazy maneuvering? Look no further. Each boat in this series carries a specifically designated driver and co-driver, with the driver handling the throttle and steering while the co-driver shifts his or her weight around the boat to keep it stable. Join the Fun – Race SLT.
All Superlight classes (Bandit, Outlaw and Experimental Class) shall be offered at all Superlight Tunnel Boat events. Classes may be run together but are scored separately.
Minimum Length: | |
Minimum Weight: | For the entire boat as raced (crew, gear and clothing) 700 lbs. |
Engine: | Stock Nissan/Tohatsu 50HP; Nissan/Tohatsu 40HP, Mercury 40 HP four-stroke or short shaft two-stroke, OMC 40 HP, Yamaha 40 HP (6H4), E-Tec 40 HP or 50 HP two-stroke, Mercury 50HP (44 c.i.d.) |
Fuel: | |
Approximate Speed: |
Experimental Class (X-Class) is for those boats that do not comply with the Superlight Tunnel Engine Technical Rules.
Minimum Length: | |
Minimum Weight: | |
Engine: | Shall not exceed 1000cc’s and have shiftable gearcase (forward, neutral, reverse), tiller arm, and use pump gas only. |
Fuel: | |
Approximate Speed: |
Minimum Length: | |
Minimum Weight: | For the entire boat as raced (crew, gear and clothing) 730 lbs. 780 lbs. for Outlaw class with a 51.8 or 59.1 c.i.d. Mercury/Mariner motor. |
Engine: | Mercury 40 HP 2 stroke, Mercury / Mariner/ Sea-Pro 50/55/60 HP (EO) 51.8 c.i.d., Mercury / Mariner 60 HP (59.1 c.i.d), Mercury 60 HP four-stroke with no minimum weight, Nissan / Tohatsu 40/50 HP (50d) (40d), Johnson / Evinrude 40/50 HP (DP-39m), Yamaha 40/50 HP (6H5) (6H4) |
Fuel: | |
Approximate Speed: |